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SLEEP MEDITATION with Lauren Ostrowski Fenton

Would you like to fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and more easily? These GUIDED SLEEP MEDITATIONS and softly spoken talks are suited to adults, parents, children, students, and babies who are looking for help and guidance with achieving a night of deep sound sleep or are looking for comfort, relaxation and soothing. Welcome to Lauren Ostrowski Fenton’s deep sleep guided meditations with positive suggestions for encouraging a restorative, natural healing rest and sleep, together with a peaceful experience of total mind and body relaxation. Fall asleep fast at bedtime with this guided sleep meditation and wake up mindfully clear and focussed ready to face your day. Suitable for all ages, mothers, fathers, children, and babies tailored to help with sleep, insomnia, stress, and relaxation This guided meditation experience is recommended for repeated and ritualized listening. Develop a daily sleep meditation ritualized practice and with regular listening this guided meditation will encourage positive sleep suggestions and positive cognitive sleep patterns. Lauren is a mother of four, podcaster, life coach, writer, meditation teacher & YouTuber

Jun 8, 2017

Episode 178 Being the mother clown with balls in the air


Today I chat about Children, mayhem, friendship, and life. welcome to my podcast episode 


Much love to you





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May 25, 2017

Episode 177 Being well with Lauren 

Real life


Hi gentle souls Today I talk about real life and keeping a door open to the rest of the world. Thanks so much for listening x Lauren 




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May 16, 2017

Episode 176 Being well with Lauren 


The worst mothers day ever 


Hi gentle souls- today I talk about my worst mother day ever...( naughty max picking off the icing of my cakes)and our right to feel the feelings we have while honoring others and feeling empathy for their story along the way x Lauren


Please- Join my...

May 7, 2017

Episode 175 Being well with Lauren

 A reflection upon sadness, community, and the meaning of life

Hi gentle souls- today a reflection upon sadness...a sharing and exploration of the meaning of life- thank you so much for joining me x Lauren



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Apr 28, 2017

Episode 174- Life is unfair - we can be happy anyway

Podcast - Being well with Lauren 


Hi everyone - Well true to my promise I am uploading an episode per week- and these weeks episode is about the relationship between kindness and happiness.  So go and get yourself a cuppa and lets get super comfy for a good...