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SLEEP MEDITATION with Lauren Ostrowski Fenton

Would you like to fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and more easily? These GUIDED SLEEP MEDITATIONS and softly spoken talks are suited to adults, parents, children, students, and babies who are looking for help and guidance with achieving a night of deep sound sleep or are looking for comfort, relaxation and soothing. Welcome to Lauren Ostrowski Fenton’s deep sleep guided meditations with positive suggestions for encouraging a restorative, natural healing rest and sleep, together with a peaceful experience of total mind and body relaxation. Fall asleep fast at bedtime with this guided sleep meditation and wake up mindfully clear and focussed ready to face your day. Suitable for all ages, mothers, fathers, children, and babies tailored to help with sleep, insomnia, stress, and relaxation This guided meditation experience is recommended for repeated and ritualized listening. Develop a daily sleep meditation ritualized practice and with regular listening this guided meditation will encourage positive sleep suggestions and positive cognitive sleep patterns. Lauren is a mother of four, podcaster, life coach, writer, meditation teacher & YouTuber

Sep 10, 2018

Series 2 Episode 21 The Breath of Sleep A guided meditation to help you sleep


Today I have a meditation close to my heart using breath x Enjoy


A podcast about sleep mediation and friendship- sometimes we meditate and sometimes we chat over a cuppa


POUR YOURSELF A WARM CUPPA...and let's sit down and chat as friends...

Sep 8, 2018

Series 2 Episode 20 Telling it the way it is- Stop the labelling chat


Today I chat about my feelings about labeling and judgment. Why oh why waste precious life putting down another person? and why or why should we waste precious life listening to those who judge? x Enjoy


A podcast about sleep mediation and...

Sep 6, 2018

Series 2 Episode 19 Melting to sleep A guided meditation for sleep



Today we do a beautiful sleep guided meditation using the metaphor of melting....I ate a lot of chocolate after this one x Enjoy


A podcast about sleep mediation and friendship- sometimes we meditate and sometimes we chat over a cuppa



Sep 6, 2018

Series 2 Episode 18 What makes you different


Today we chat about what its like to be different and how being weird is the way to go


What makes you different? I've reached that point in life when I want to be different. I want to make dreams happen. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is only a little...

Sep 5, 2018

Series 2 Episode 17 COMFORTING WORDS FOR DEEP SLEEP Repetitious words for sleep meditation with MUSIC 432 H


A podcast about sleep mediation and friendship- sometimes we meditate and sometimes we chat over a cuppa

Today we meditate with repeated comforting words for a deep restorative sleep...